From ideation to success: the power of feedback for entrepreneurs
What do a mattress startup and a medical resources platform have in common? The answer: listening, learning and adapting to customer feedback.
What do a mattress startup and a medical resources platform have in common? The answer: listening, learning and adapting to customer feedback.
Marie Taillard, L’Oréal Professor of Creativity Marketing at ESCP Business School, explains why brands need to engage with content creators more than ever.
CX expert Julien Hervy makes the case that emotional intelligence has a profound impact on the customer experience.
Despite possessing some unique strengths, Europe still lags behind the US and China on digital innovation. What do the region’s companies and policymakers need to do about it?
Daniela Lup writes that the need for inclusion of diverse voices became even more urgent when an AI agent created by Meta achieved human-like performance in an online game involving strategic negotiation.
ESCP Professor Christian Durach helps companies navigate the tectonic shifts disrupting global supply chains.
In an increasingly uncertain international environment, business leaders should be more aware of political risks and develop ways to respond to them while avoiding cognitive biases, claim Lorenzo Coronati and Frédéric Jallat.
ESCP Affiliate Professor of Governance, Law & Leadership Dr. Daniel Perlzweig explains how businesses can take concrete steps to protect human rights, particularly with the help of a human rights officer
Virtual characters are one of the biggest digital opportunities for brands, argues ESCP alumnus Laurent François, managing partner at the creative agency 180.
ESCP Executive Education spoke with Pedro Gonzalo, a specialist in creativity, leadership and human resources, to identify the factors that foster creativity and implement successful creative management.
Daniele Battaglia and Alessandro Lanteri suggest how to effectively create a dedicated task force to prepare to seize the opportunities of the quantum revolution and avoid its threats.
Profs. Lorena Blasco-Arcas, Almudena Cañibano and Hsin-Hsuan (Meg) Lee give employers a few tips to turn employees into powerful allies and brand advocates.
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