Set your start-up or firm apart with Sustainable Development Goals
How can entrepreneurs help achieve the UN SDGs? ESCP Professor Robert Sheldon discusses the implications of sustainability on your business goals.
How can entrepreneurs help achieve the UN SDGs? ESCP Professor Robert Sheldon discusses the implications of sustainability on your business goals.
Drawing on the experience of Pepsico and City Developments Limited, Prof. Fabrizio Granà analyses the role organizations can play in promoting and achieving the SDGs, and the potential advantages they can obtain by leveraging the interconnections between these and Integrated Reporting.
A recent McKinsey report estimates that €28 trillion will need to be invested in “clean” technologies over the next 30 years to decarbonize Europe – money that would otherwise largely go into carbon-intensive technologies. While redirecting capital in the interest of environmental protection is a supportable approach, McKinsey’s report continues to advocate the logic of…
Contrary to what one might think, learning is a continuous process that lasts all of our lives and is not limited to our youngest years. To understand how companies can foster a positive learning culture, we called upon the expertise of Sara Scapinello, People & Organization Development Director at Lavazza, and ESCP’s Simon Mercado.
It might seem as if the world has thought of little else but the pandemic over the past year, but that is not the case. Sustainability is still very much top of the agenda for businesses.
A tool by itself is useless. It takes a person to make the most out of it. Artificial intelligence as it stands today is nothing more than a tool.
Prof. Frédéric Jallat analyses President Joe Biden’s support to wave off intellectual property rights on Covid-19 vaccines, and what it says about world geopolitics.
“The first major brands dating from the 19th century are practically all family names.” ESCP Professor Benoît Heilbrunn takes us on a journey into the world of patronymic brands.
What can we learn from an over 300-year-old family business? Interview with Francesco Barberis Canonico of Vitale Barberis Canonico and member of the Henokiens.
According to ESCP Prof. Jean-Marc Daniel, the toppling of former Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber illustrates the limitations of certain ideological assumptions.
Like all companies, family businesses have to undergo transformations to stay competitive. Tobias Rappers from Maschinenraum explains how family-run businesses can create a brighter future for generations to come.
Interview with the founder of StayTouch, Gaurav Goel, on how his business discovered a new kind of relevance in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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