In this episode of The Choice Makers, Frank Bournois speaks with Jean-Jacques Bienaimé, ESCP Business School alumnus and Chairman and CEO of BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. Jean-Jacques discusses staying level-headed and being adaptable in the global pharmaceutical workforce where learning from your failures can be more beneficial than your successes.
In this episode you will also discover the secrets behind his success.
So, what are the leadership essentials to grow a business and make it a leader in its field?
Being right is just the beginning. You have to convince people you work with that you are right. And this is extremely important.
Focus on meaning to be part of a long journey
The development of a company, and especially a pharmaceutical company, is a long road full of pitfalls. Above all, it is about learning from our mistakes and bouncing back. If passion and meaning are at the heart of our activity, this path becomes easier to overcome. Jean-Jacques Bienaimé testifies:
“You have to have absolute passion for what you are doing. We are truly changing lives and we are saving the lives of many of our patients. I regularly receive letters from patients and parents of our patients and it keeps you going. We are truly patient centric.”
Adopt a systemic approach to business
Like an organism, a company is a living system. According to Jean-Jacques Bienaimé, in order to manage a company efficiently, it is necessary to consider it as a whole to understand its workings:
“Any corporation is a system, like a biological system. And you have to understand the systemic approach to the organisation. You study accounting, corporate law, marketing and they all seem to be separated from each other, but the truth is they are all connected and they exist for some reason, for a bigger purpose. Make sure you understand how the whole thing comes together.”
Develop your soft skills
Beyond being cool-headed when you make tough decisions, a leader must have the right soft skills to bring people on board. For Jean-Jacques Bienaimé, this is a fundamental skill:
“Being right is just the beginning. You have to convince people you work with that you are right. And this is extremely important. There is psychology around it, sociology, and self motivation. I would spend a lot of time on that.”
To learn more about positive impact as a leader in an industry with a global reach, check out the full episode of The Choice Makers on your favourite podcast listening platform.